ten things to do before your chinese oh levels
in descending order,
number ten: study four years worth of shou ce's and cheng yu's and zuo wen's and ying yong wen's
number nine: minimise (if not possible to quit) complaining abt the gargantuous amnt of words stored in the shou ce's as it only takes up half ur time and concentration
number eight: write what you learn down so you get a feel of what it takes to get that horrendous chinese word down on paper
number seven: don't get ur younger brothers to test you anything,cos they have no idea what the words are anyway,and will give you their own version of the shou ce's
number six: start flaunting ur new found words,it helps in memorizing them for good and in oral later (who cares if ur usage at the moment is totally out of pt? no one will understand)
number five: always do everything the teacher gives you,cos they're ur only source of chinese material most of the time
number four: be serious abt what ur learning everyday and focus focus focus,especially when exam-free brothers play x-box outside and its so tempting to just give up and join them.perseverance is most important,but the most painful part of it all
number three: handphones are another killer of concentration,unless some cute boy sends you a message encouraging you to study hard :) (study him or study chinese?)
number two: take a break when you deserve it,and it really breaks the stress.long breaks are okay for chao muggers,though breaking down is not included.
number one: sleep really early the day before..the day before all the words stuffed inside burst out and you become the anti-chinese idiot you were once again, that is.
ciao..i mean,ZAI JIANNNNN :)