things to learn
10 things to talk to girls about
1. their day, because you'd get an earful about how dramatic it was.
note: must sound equally excited and offer a few insightful comments.the word 'few' is key,because you must not cut her story off with your own.
2. cute guys, or maybe both cute and not cute.even if you cannot possibly relate,don't ever mention cute girls.girls can talk about cute guys and you must sound interested but when guys talk about cute girls they're just being horny.girls don't do horny.face it,it's the injustice of life.
3. your problems, girls love your makes them feel responsible for you and this promotes emotions of care and concern.which will rate how much a girl likes you too.if she likes you a lot,she'd put herself in your shoes and try to solve the whole thing for you.if she doesn't like you,she'll still listen cos it's sweet when guys share their burdens.
4. GOD.nothing beats talking about God and spiritual stuff,your walk with Him,your beliefs,your love for's a very healthy topic to talk about,plus really personal but God-related issues get brought the girl how serious you are about God and your relationship with Him.when your vertical relationship is good,so will your horizontal.quote..keith(:
5. her problems.seriously one of the nicest things a guy could do is to offer an ear when a girl needs to talk.regardless of time,length of conversation..your own state of mind (jammed,dead,incompetent to listen..etc).all that matters is that you put your heart into listening to sad when she's sad,give sensitive and well-thought advice.inspire her,and most importantly believe in her ability to handle the don't have to do anything else.
6. her family! her life! or anything about stuff she likes to do,her ideals.seriously makes anyone feel special and cared,you actually want to know! well,seek and you shall also get to know so much more about her in the process.can add in a bit about yourself,but only if she wants to know and is not too self-absorbed.
7. continue past conversation topics.follow-up lets her know you were thinking about what she's said before,remember the things she talked about..check up on how she's doing in relation to the stuff she went through previously.this shows how seriously you take her and whatever comes with her.and she'll keep you logged in to the 'people to update' list.if that's what you want,it means she'll talk to you more.
8. funny things she's done before.stuff you've seen her do that amused you,tickled you or maybe they din do anyth for you but did for everyone else.tell a girl how amusing you find's a sign of affection to the girl.note that the line between funnily amusing and annoyingly idiotic is very thin.MUST be entirely honest.if you guess she was really embarrassed about it,don't make her mad bringing it up again.cos she'll have to explain herself,and that's way awkward.
9. stories from your school to entertain her.or perhaps ANYTHING that you anticipate would entertain her.keep track of stuff she finds funny,unless she finds like everything funny to a certain extent.this is a cue taken from meng: if she finds your quirky habits (like saying mm-hmm,okay,i dunno...etc) funny,accentuate them.don't be afraid to lose face and sound really stupid.girls appreciate daring.point out her quirky habits too (like how i like to say 'yeah right' a whole lot) so we can all just laugh at each other.
10. how much you appreciate so important.don't over do it.but once in a while be honest with her and tell her how much she means to you.only if she means anything at all,otherwise i think she'd rather not know how irritating you find her or something.don't be afraid to bare your soul if she really means a lot to you.but make fully sure that she isn't playing with your feelings first.if she tells you randomly she appreciates you,give it back in your own very very honest.she can tell.and she'll love you for it.
10 things not to talk to girls about
1. already mentioned,don't talk about hot moderation will do to show you're normal.but please don't go into detail about how her only flaw are her ears that stick out. (pokes meng)
2. sensitive issues like her obvious flaws.unless she cues you to talk about them,as in her problems..then you must listen but offer minimal personal opinion.if you're insensitive to her sensitive issues,good luck to you.
3. one thing not to say to a girl,would be to not say anything at all.that sucks.girls call you to talk,not appreciate how deep thinking and THUS silent you are.
4. about how irresponsible you are.taking a cue from steph here.don't show how terrible you are,how ungentlemanly you can be (pokes zheng) and all your weird chauvinistic ideas against girls.don't be anti-girl in front of girls (JABS zheng) even if you're not THAT anti-girl.
5. about how her character..her this or that is she is not as good as other girls.basically don't compare her with your mum,your sister,your other girl friends..don't.girls have egos too (i don't think im like the only one la,please) so don't attempt to crush's not nice.
6. don't insult her friends.even worse her family.this one is self-explainatory..did i spell that right? explanatory....?
7. about your own gross bodily groin aches,groin abrasions,athlete's foot...the works.the gross guy things that girls would loath to hear's disgusting.anything disgusting does not go.unless the girl is rachel ho,and thus she loves talking about gross bodily puffy eyelids.oh,and lewd things are understandably a NO NO.
8. ANNOYING THINGS.this is SO from daniel (zheng's danny darling).like short one-liners that don't mean a thing and END there and then that there's no room for any more conversations.stuff like 'haha' and 'uh hmm' and 'i see' are SO not good conversation fillers.seriously.daniel,im damn annoyed at that.BOO to you.
9. about weird rumours about her (or her friends) that are obviously not,the thing you heard about her and some other entirely weird WAY.if she's like already damn annoyed by other people about it..don't push the button again and cause her to be so pissed at you that she hangs up,blocks you,slaps you (haha esmond) and yeah.don't.she won't forget.neither will she let you forget.
10. how you're really bored with the're ur not interested (even signs of it are bad enough) or how you simply can't be bothered to reply her properly.even if you don't mean it but your responses (or lack of them) show it..well it's reflects very badly on how gentlemanly you are.and if you're already not gentlemanly this is probably the end of your friendship.she won't call you again.unless that's what you want,it's not a good thing.
10 things to do to/for/with the girl you like
1. get on the same bus as her.send her home.or just find some reason to spend those precious otherwise boring minutes with her alone,where talking is the only thing to do.OR if you have a car,offer her a lift ryan cabrera says it,anything to be with you.
2. draw something for her.write her a song.a poem.a letter.girls appreciate little self-made gifts more than anything money can buy.because guys hardly do such things..the fact that you bothered to spend brains and time on such a so touching.anything that requires effort is worth commending when done.especially from a lazy guy.
3. if she's busy,offer to help her.don't be shy to help out with whatever she's up to.actually all guys should do that.sam chin's like damn good at being a gentleman and offering a hand whenever he can.when she's freaking out and looks all flustered with things to do,a gentle offer of help or maybe just support can brighten up the day.she won't forget your kindness.
4. don't just stand there when she's standing around.go up to her and just say hi.most girls are good conversationalists so saying hi is sufficient to get the engine running and you don't have to worry about what to say actually.just don't look so nervous,like you're on the verge of having a heart attack.then she won't be nervous either and things will go smoothly.
5. if you see her walking down towards you in the opposite must never ignore her or look at your feet or somewhere else.not even if your heart is beating so fast and you don't dare to look at her.she'll take offence (if you know each other) and take it that you're too proud/arrogant/ego to say hello or something.
6. open doors.pick up things she drops.carry her bag when she needs to use the toilet.lend her your handphone when she needs what she tells you too, if it's these all voluntarily.remember your as charming as possible throughout.something like being a doorman,bell boy..personal butler..yeah.
7. take pictures with her if she likes taking pictures.sing a song for her if she likes singing songs.pray with her,for her.get along with her parents and on her side,yet hold your own opinion.give in to her,yet remain the's all about letting her have her way,your way.
8. i guess it is alright to tease her a bit,prank her a the good natured fun boys all enjoy.apparently the more they annoy you the more they like,annoy her without malice.let her know after that that you still find her entirely adorable,maybe even more when she's annoyed.then drop the whole issue and move on before it turns from teasing to scorn.
9. message her.just to let her know you're still there and are thinking about her.message her little details about your day,how you're feeling.keep her in sync with your life if you like her that makes her feel involved and this helps to build your friendship up, when you both know what's going on on each side.
10. call her.spend time with her.nothing beats companionship.and in all you do,be honest,forthcoming and true to yourself.if you want to talk to her,talk to her.if you want to tell her something,say it.i guess it boils down to following your own instinct.and entrusting your lives into God's hands.(: