what broken wing-man said to lui-ge
level 0: mindset = friendship not = relationship
broken wing-man says:
level 1: give a smile and a hello! be friendly,like,say..i love ur singing!
broken wing-man says:
level 2: sincerity and honesty are very impt.conversation! talk abt school,random things.
broken wing-man says:
level 3: start being The Good Friend.offer to lend a listening ear if she's down..or u can just do nice things for her.AS A FRIEND.perhaps send her an sms asking her if she had a good day or sth...msn chats also become less weird!
broken wing-man says:
level 3 sld be done in moderation.
broken wing-man says:
level 4: as The Good Friend v2.0, can start doing stuff like sitting next to her in lecture...completely CASUAL,AS A FRIEND.be at ease when talking to her,show that u honestly find her a nice person and really do like her! be totally nonsuperficial,honest,and YOURSELF.good chemistry as friends is like,so impt.
broken wing-man says:
level 5: as The Very Good Friend v2.1,u haf all Right to talk to her freely in any way you want! now that she's comfortable with u arnd,and talking to u,and doing stuff with u,...and if ur still eager to move on to Mindset=Relationship...it's quite sweet and she'll probably be equally fond of u by then.but,if Mindset=Friendship is fine...stick that way! it's great being The Best Friend v1.0 anyway
*broken wing-man is like love(song)guru in disguise. ;)